
Physics-Informed Neural Network Gravity Models

Physics-Informed Neural Network Gravity Models

Building high-fidelity gravity models for spaceflight, planetary science, and geodesy using physics-informed neural networks.

In-Situ Model Reconstruction from Spacecraft Measurements

In-Situ Model Reconstruction from Spacecraft Measurements

How can we learn the dynamics of novel environments with limited data?

Satellite Fault Detection and Isolation using Deep Learning

Satellite Fault Detection and Isolation using Deep Learning

How can we reduce the burden on satellite operators to detect and diagnose faults?

Shape Model Acquisition during Spacecraft Rendezvous using Neural Radiance Fields

Shape Model Acquisition during Spacecraft Rendezvous using Neural Radiance Fields

Use sparse images taken from safe surveillance orbits, construct a 3D shape model of a target spacecraft or debris.

Orbital Mechanics Coordinate Discovery with Deep Learning

Orbital Mechanics Coordinate Discovery with Deep Learning

How can we construct more efficient coordinates and basis functions to represent complex dynamical systems?

Autonomous Spacecraft Decision Making with Reinforcement Learning

Autonomous Spacecraft Decision Making with Reinforcement Learning

Explore how to safely navigate exotic environments in deep space with autonomous decision making agents with reinforcement learning.

Design Your Own

Design Your Own

We are always looking for creative ideas. If you have a project you want to work on, let us know and we can develop it together.