Investigating the Fusion of Mascon and Neural Networks Gravity Models


Accurate gravity field modeling for irregular and heterogeneous density bodies, such as asteroids, presents significant challenges. The inhomogeneous gravity field plays a crucial role in spacecraft dynamics, particularly when orbiting in low-to-medium altitudes around these bodies. To achieve a precise gravity field solution, this paper explores the fusion of mascon and physics-informed neural network (PINN) gravity models. The mascon model is a classical approach that discretizes the body into a finite number of mass elements. Conversely, the PINN model uses a deep neural network to map position coordinates into a gravitational potential, and an acceleration can be evaluated via auto-differentiation of the net- work. This work trains the mascon-PINN model in two stages using a position- gravity dataset. In the first stage, only the mascon distribution is regressed and then is held constant during the subsequent stage. In the second stage, the re- gressed mascon model is combined with a weighted PINN, where only the neural network is trained to refine the gravity solution. The mascon-PINN model effec- tively merges the mascon stability at high altitudes with the high accuracy of the PINNs at low altitudes. The performance of the mascon-PINN model is evaluated using test cases for the asteroid 433 Eros, with a focus on orbital applications.

John Martin
John Martin
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Director of the MLDS Lab